Quick change disc R-88 and Y-88


  • For general use in industrial operations and maintenance workshop tasks.
  • Removal of burrs and roughing of steel and weld seams.
  • Operations that require precise and homogeneous roughing in the metalworking industry and foundries.
  • High-strength composition.


  • Easy to mount to supports thanks to its screw on system with external rope.
  • Available sizes: 1″, 1-1/2″, 2″ and 3″ diameter.

Applications and recommendations

14540 FANDELI DISC R-88 | 060P 0.038m FABRIC 1.1/2" 500 20
14541 FANDELI DISC R-88 | 080P 0.038m FABRIC 1.1/2" 500 20
14486 FANDELI DISC Y-88 | 036P 0.051m FABRIC 2" 500 100
11957 FANDELI DISC R-88 | 060P 0.051m FABRIC 2" 500 100
14494 FANDELI DISC R-88 | 080P 0.051m FABRIC 2" 500 100
11664 FANDELI DISC R-88 | 100P 0.051m FABRIC 2" 500 100
05884 FANDELI DISC R-88 | 120P 0.051m FABRIC 2" 500 100
14491 FANDELI DISC Y-88 | 036P 0.076m FABRIC 3" 500 50
14497 FANDELI DISC R-88 | 060P 0.076m FABRIC 3" 500 50
11651 FANDELI DISC R-88 | 080P 0.076m FABRIC 3" 500 50
14502 FANDELI DISC R-88 | 120P 0.076m FABRIC 3" 500 50
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